
Luna de Casanova

I aim to inspire people about style not fashion: how to wear clothes well, put together combinations, look elegant and age gracefully

My Exercise Schedule

My Exercise Schedule

I receive a lot of questions about exercise. I’m not really qualified to advise on exercise but I can tell you what I do and why I do it.

You may have seen that I post a lot of photos and videos about yoga. I used to do Ashtanga yoga every day and was well-advanced in the third series before I developed a back problem that forced me to give up yoga for a while.

While my back was recovering, I took up circuit training and train most weekdays in a class. The classes are a mixture of cardio (sprinting, spinning, burpees, mountain climbs, etc.) and weights. I prefer to train in a group as I think it is more fun and a little bit of competition helps drive you forward. Also, having an instructor means that there is somebody to make sure that you are doing the exercises correctly, to make sure you benefit properly and, more importantly, don’t hurt yourself.

I have found the circuit training enormously beneficial, not only in improving my cardio-vascular fitness but also because it has strengthened many parts of my body which I never used for my yoga. As a result of the weights that I do, my back is much stronger and I can now do yoga again. I try to do as much yoga a week as I can in order to maintain my flexibility and balance.

Some Bitching about Beaching

Some Bitching about Beaching

